He Is With You

How are you all feeling?

• I appreciate all of the connections I have made in this discovery of blogging on WordPress.

• I hope you all are doing well.

• Take a moment to reflect on the day.

Think about the good times, so you will have a great memory stored in your head, as we all have to many bad ones in the forefront of our minds.

Think about the things you would change in general, and start changing them for a better tomorrow.

Think about the bad, and instantly remember God’s grace. For he is able to restore all time, redeem all lives, and renew all life circumstances.

Turn the defeat that you’ve felt from the world into the testimony God has given you, for you’ve gotten through those circumstances not just to get through it, but to encourage others.

May God bless you abundantly,

Jesus loves you,

If Jesus can save me,

I know He can save you!

– Tiara, words from God. ♡

A prayer to be saved by Jesus Christ link: https://youtu.be/L7xSw21YusI