Battle Scars.


God will move the mountains in your life, shielding you from all defeat and protecting you from all the hurt and pain that has tried to triumph you and your testimony.

Know that those those battles aren’t battles, for the war has already been won.

They are just testimony scars, ready to form and be one.

They are creating the story God has for you, to share to the entire world.

Get ready!

A breakthrough is here!

– Tiara, Words from God. ♡


Prayer doesn’t always work.

It takes obedience, work, and belief with the prayer to get to the end result.

Remember that God is always with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.


YOU have to trust in him.

YOU have to believe in him.

YOU have to get to work.

Remember faith without works is dead,

God can only lead you so far when you don’t do the work or believe.

But the best part is He will take you all the way when you do believe, when you do put in the work, when you trust in him and show your obedience through all circumstances.

Take it from me, this is something I needed to learn this morning.

Don’t give up.

Go look at that house.

Keep writing that paper.

Finish that workout.

Apply for that job.

Ask for a raise.

Make a business plan.

Get that degree.

Get that certification.

Go higher. Elevate. Get to work.

God is always with you. ♡

We are: Children of God

We are more than our earthly bodies for we are spiritual beings. As children of God we are granted the blessing of being a part of the body of Christ. God has given you his Holy Spirit to live inside you, interceding every single day for your greater good in Him. Giving us strength, power, and might.

Without Jesus’s salvation we would be nothing. He helps, saves, and protects us from evil when he knows their is absolutely nothing we can do in return for him that will pay him back for all he’s done, specifically for us.

We can praise him, accept him, share his words, but we can do nothing to repay God for giving us Jesus Christ to die for our sins, and there is nothing we can do to repay Jesus Christ for being our Savior! Yet, nonetheless, he is still their for us in these trying times of uncertainty. For he knows all, does all, and is all.

It’s time for us to be their for others, even if they cannot repay us, just as Jesus does for us every day. ♡

Praise him in the good, the bad,  the ugly and the uncertain times of now.

He is worthy of your praise!

I love you God,

Thank you Jesus Christ. 🙌🏾

He Is With You

How are you all feeling?

• I appreciate all of the connections I have made in this discovery of blogging on WordPress.

• I hope you all are doing well.

• Take a moment to reflect on the day.

Think about the good times, so you will have a great memory stored in your head, as we all have to many bad ones in the forefront of our minds.

Think about the things you would change in general, and start changing them for a better tomorrow.

Think about the bad, and instantly remember God’s grace. For he is able to restore all time, redeem all lives, and renew all life circumstances.

Turn the defeat that you’ve felt from the world into the testimony God has given you, for you’ve gotten through those circumstances not just to get through it, but to encourage others.

May God bless you abundantly,

Jesus loves you,

If Jesus can save me,

I know He can save you!

– Tiara, words from God. ♡

A prayer to be saved by Jesus Christ link:

Let’s get to work!

Believe in God first,

Believe in the power he has for you,

Believe in yourself,

Believe in the greatness he has set forth in your life.

STOP believing the lies you told yourself,

STOP believing you are not good enough,

STOP believing you are your past,

STOP believing who they said you are or who you would amount to me.


You are a child of God, put on your armor.

Let’s get to work.

You are strong, righteous, and holy through the eyes of God.

Never forget that.

God bless you, Jesus loves you!

Praying for you and your family’s safety during this time. I pray that you are protected, blessed, that you grow, and that you are loved in the name of Jesus!


– Tiara, words from God. ♡

“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

This has to be one of my favorite Bible verses to say.

Every day God gives us is a gift.

A gift to accomplish a goal, or to finish completing a dream he has fulfilled.

A gift to forgive someone, or to ask for forgiveness from ourselves.

A gift to reconcile with someone, or ourselves.

A gift to change lives or to change ourselves in him.

Whatever God is calling you to do today, do it.

Don’t wait, before it is too late.

He is always right on time. Maybe not the time you may think is best, but still he is always right on time, because his time is the best time.

He is with you, always.

He opened your eyes this morning.

Give him some time too. ♡