A letter to my younger self.

What do you say to your younger self?

I say to younger Tiara:

You are loved, you are happier now, it all works out because God is with you, and he always will be. Never forget that, ever.

Thank you, Jesus, for grace and growth!

– Tiara, words to God of thanksgiving.


Prayer doesn’t always work.

It takes obedience, work, and belief with the prayer to get to the end result.

Remember that God is always with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.


YOU have to trust in him.

YOU have to believe in him.

YOU have to get to work.

Remember faith without works is dead,

God can only lead you so far when you don’t do the work or believe.

But the best part is He will take you all the way when you do believe, when you do put in the work, when you trust in him and show your obedience through all circumstances.

Take it from me, this is something I needed to learn this morning.

Don’t give up.

Go look at that house.

Keep writing that paper.

Finish that workout.

Apply for that job.

Ask for a raise.

Make a business plan.

Get that degree.

Get that certification.

Go higher. Elevate. Get to work.

God is always with you. ♡