
There is someone out there getting chemo,

Someone out there who just lost their home.

Someone out there who just lost their job.

Someone out there who just lost their child.

Someone out there who just lost their life.

Yet you are here, you are alive. Though you may be going through one or all of these things God sees you as valuable for this season because you are still here. It is not your time yet. Enjoy this season, work for God, trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your soul. He is here for you. God bless.

Prayer to be saved: God I come to you repenting of my sins, asking you for forgiveness. I accept you Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and I thank you for dying on the cross for me. Father I ask that your Holy Spirit live in me and fulfill me. May I do your will and turn from my sin into your righteous living. May no condemnation or evil be upon me in Jesus name. I pray this to you God. Amen.

“When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature on earth.”” – (Genesis 9:16)

Never Stray

Who is like the Lord? Nobody!
So why do we stray from the Lord to those who are all the same, when we know they will never be the Lord? Searching for good things in this world and in evilness will only lead you to your previous results: regret, failure, and greed!

When you turn to the Lord you will be given: Eternal Love, Eternal Grace, Eternal Life, Eternal Peace, Joy, Forgiveness, Freedom, Purification, Redemption, and so much more!

• Money will never be worth more than the love of God.
• Friendships will never be worth more than the love of God.
• Wild Parties will never be worth more than the love of God.
• Drugs and Alcohol will never be worth more than the love of God.
• Greed will never be worth more than the love of God
• Lust will never be worth more than the love of God.

Turn to God. Jesus is ready to save you.
Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness. God bless! ♡

A letter to my younger self.

What do you say to your younger self?

I say to younger Tiara:

You are loved, you are happier now, it all works out because God is with you, and he always will be. Never forget that, ever.

Thank you, Jesus, for grace and growth!

– Tiara, words to God of thanksgiving.

I’m grateful for

How often has God rescued you?

Given you faith, earned your trust, given you life?

How often has God protected you from the enemy, from the troubles of life, and the world?

How often have you should have been somewhere and didn’t get to go or were late and found out something could have happened to you that didn’t?

How often have you been hurt and realized God was protecting you from others by them hurting you before it could get worse or allow more people to hurt you?

How often have you just looked at life and said ‘thank you Lord’, for it could be a lot worse than it is right now?

If you haven’t done this today, I want you, by the grace of God, to write and list the things, people, actions, and the life you’re grateful for. Tell God how thankful you are for his grace, for giving up his most prized possession on the cross for us, Jesus.

Make a list, Just 10 things you are grateful for.

I’m grateful for:

1. Love
2. Jesus Christ
3. Grace everyday
4. Salvation
5. Family
6. Friends
7. My dog, Daisy
8. Education
9. My past, for it makes me a better person.
10. Regrets, for they show me how far God has brought me and bring me closer to him and his grace everyday. For he has turned my regrets into grace, my pain into a testimony, and my life into a life lived for him. ♡

Daily Devotional Video: https://youtu.be/m43_Jlefswc

Gratitude Journal App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.northstar.gratitude

Download gratitude list document here:


Prayer doesn’t always work.

It takes obedience, work, and belief with the prayer to get to the end result.

Remember that God is always with you, he will never leave you nor forsake you.


YOU have to trust in him.

YOU have to believe in him.

YOU have to get to work.

Remember faith without works is dead,

God can only lead you so far when you don’t do the work or believe.

But the best part is He will take you all the way when you do believe, when you do put in the work, when you trust in him and show your obedience through all circumstances.

Take it from me, this is something I needed to learn this morning.

Don’t give up.

Go look at that house.

Keep writing that paper.

Finish that workout.

Apply for that job.

Ask for a raise.

Make a business plan.

Get that degree.

Get that certification.

Go higher. Elevate. Get to work.

God is always with you. ♡


God opened your eyes this morning,

Jesus Christ died on the cross for you,

The Holy Spirit made a home inside of you.

What are you waiting for?

What are you going to do to fulfill your destiny today?

Why are you so afraid?

You’re not alone. God is with you. Living inside of you, pushing you forward.


Get to work.

For the victory is already won.

Be God’s Garden

A life changing video, we often forget that our jobs are important, no matter what we do.

Take two minutes to watch this beautiful video! It will make you realize how everything you do is truly important and will affect someone. 

So make sure it is affecting them in a positive way.

You’re not just a florist, 🌻

You’re not just a school bus driver, 🚍

You’re not just an executive assistant, 🗃

You’re not just a school receptionist, ☎️

You’re a life changer. 🤝🏽

A child of God. 🙏🏽

Nothing and no one can change that for you. ❤
