A Prayer For The Day.

Dear Lord,

I may not always do what you want me to do.

I may not always thank you the way I should.

But I thank you today for your open arms and holding me tight.

I Thank YOU for Protection, Love, and Peace, Father.

For allowing me to come to you at all times and for giving me prosperity, but never allowing any weapon Satan or his followers throw at me to prosper. ♡

Thank you for not allowing me to be of this world but of your kingdom.

Most importantly thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us all to have forgiveness as well as freedom in you.

I thank you Jesus, I love you Lord.
I pray and accept the Holy Spirit for interceding in this moment of reading and reflection.

I pray for blessings, positivity, Christ-minded growth, and prosperity over those (including myself) who read this.


– Tiara, a prayer to God. ♡


The words come to her mouth, like a riddle.

As she began to worry she, remembered this scripture:

God is our mighty fortress, always ready to help in times of trouble.

{Psalms 46:1}

And that the scripture quotes

“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God.”

{Philippians 4:6}

May 19th, a Sunday

Today I met a sweet girl who reminded me of myself, you never know who you can meet in your own backyard.

To the lights of the world –

Know that your God loves you.

He is within you when you are weak, and he is within you when you’re strong.

He’s testing your faith, so hold on tight. Be prepared for this journey, call Life.

– Tiara, words from God. ♡


Unfortunately sometimes life will suck.

Out of nowhere, it will hit you.

With all the faith in the world, bad days can happen.

Most people say “Hey, it’s Life.” but why?

Why does it have to be that way,

Why can’t we all just be happy,

Admit are wrongs and move on with the world?


Our world is free,

We are allowed to make our own selfish decisions and with that comes consequences.

So I hope you know that sometimes life sucks, but joy shall come in the morning.



Dear Lord,

I pray for your mercy in my heart and in all those hearts around the world.

Heal our brokenness,

Ease our wounds.

We all need you father, now more than ever as today is the day that you have made.

Let us rejoice and be glad in it Father.

Please bless those in bondage, in famine, and in danger father.

Please heal our hearts as we know that it is where you lay your foundation of love.

Heal our souls as we need you to be the center of our lives.

Heal our minds as for only you know the thoughts we have and will have,

Father –

Help us and heal our spirits as the Holy spirit is you in another form Father. Allow the holy spirit to into our minds, bodies and hearts and let us become better not as just human beings but as children of the kingdom, As souls who want be to with you and stand for you in all eternity.

Lord, bless us in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

In your name Father, Jesus, and Spirit


– Tiara, words from GOD. ♡


Today I shared my testimony.

The words that came from God were spoken out of my mouth, like honey.

As life was hard for so long, I now understand why all those events happened!

You see,

God was just preparing me for the greatness that instore for my life, and for what he has already given me.

At this time, and in this moment,

I feel so inspired by Jesus, as his testimony is the biggest testimony of all.

He died for us on the cross, and had no hesitation to die for those who hated him most.

He followed God’s instructions and not man’s expectations.

– Jodi. L Hall , words from God. ♡

I am living by this.


Because without GOD I am NOTHING.

In Jesus’ Name I am so grateful for these opportunities.

I am so grateful for this Life.

God is good,

In Jesus’ Name I pray and say thank you.


– Tiara, words from God. ♡

I wish.

I wish is a term used, usually, when we are wanting something that we know we cannot have.

Be careful what you wish for,

That job could move you far away from your family, making you lose your support system.

That lottery ticket could make others change on you, like never before.

That “famous” piece could put you in a predicament that could end up making you lose your mind and salvation.

That relationship could end up being the worse thing to happen to you, causing pain and heartache.

That good part of life could end up not being so good if you hadn’t gone through the bad.

As they say,

Be careful what you wish for,

Or you just might get it.

– Tiara, words from God. ♡

To my Momma.

Thank you for your endless generosity.

Your protective shield.

Your selflessness.

You are light.

You are love.

You are the definition of a Queen.

I appreciate all that you do,

Your wisdom.

Your love.

Your inner peace.

You are appreciated.

You are my friend.

You are my protector.

You are my sunshine.

You are my birther.

You are my mother.

– Tiara, words from God. ♡
